Today we are looking specifically at the benefits of domed badges in business and how they add value to a company.
What is a domed badge?
We’ll begin with the basics. Referred to as domed badges, stickers and labels, they are a popular form of brand awareness via labelling. Created from a stable, two part polyurethane, badges are raised, tough and smooth in texture. They stick with ease and strength to most flat surfaces and will not cloud. Domed badges are becoming more and more popular across a number of growing industries.
The 3D effect;
One of the great features of domed badges is their unique 3D look. Domed features include a glass top look and produce a 3D effect upon a printed label.
Eye Catching
Because these badges appear 3D people will look twice. The dome is glossy adding to the overall aesthetics and is soft to the touch. These features ensure the print underneath firmly stands out.
Domed badges offer an additional layer of protection for the label sitting below. The two part polyurethane ensures exterior strength whilst protecting everything underneath. The badges durable nature means it can ward off scratches, fading and discolouration to the actual label. In addition, domed tops are UV resistant and will remain shiny and new even in adverse weather conditions.
Ideal for Marketing Efforts
Promotion and branding are just two of the main marketing uses for domed badges. Because labels look better than the standard paper style, companies will often stick them onto merchandise. They make perfect giveaways when added to fridge magnets at business expos, summer fairs and markets. Giving potential customers something free of charge that they find useful is a great way of staying in their mind. Domed badges can be added to clothing and caps.
Perfect for Trades
You may remember one of our recent blog posts discussing domed badges for trades people. If you’ve not read it yet, we suggest you do. Here you can learn how to acquire a constant flow of repeat business in a cost effective way. Why wouldn’t you want to?
Self Healing
The beauty of this specific type of label is how they fix themselves. Although difficult to happen, small abrasions will right themselves over time, usually without the need for replacement. This amazing fix is due to the type of resin used in creating badges.
It’s clear to see that domed badges in business can prove highly influential within a company’s marketing strategy. Standing the test of time they look fantastic and have the ability to feature on products and in homes all across the UK.